Shopify vs. WooCommerce - Which E-commerce Platform to Choose

November 03, 2021

Are you thinking of building an e-commerce store for your business? Whether you're just starting out or looking to switch platforms, choosing the right e-commerce platform can be a daunting task. When it comes to deciding between Shopify and WooCommerce, the two most popular e-commerce platforms, there are several factors to consider.

In this blog post, we'll compare Shopify and WooCommerce by discussing their pricing, ease of use, customization options, and more. So, put on your thinking caps and let's dive in!


Let's start with pricing, shall we? Shopify offers a range of pricing plans, from $29 to $299 per month, depending on the features and functionality you need. On the other hand, WooCommerce is a free and open-source platform, but you'll need to buy hosting, a domain name, and SSL certificate, which can cost around $3 to $30 per month.

While Shopify may seem more expensive, it includes hosting, security, and maintenance, all of which are included in the price. With WooCommerce, you'll need to handle all of these aspects of your online store which can be time-consuming and complicated.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, Shopify wins hands down. It's a fully hosted platform, which means you don't need to worry about maintaining your server or installing software updates. Everything is taken care of for you, including security and backups. Shopify is intuitive and user-friendly, making it a great option for non-technical business owners.

WooCommerce, on the other hand, requires more technical know-how to get started. It's a self-hosted platform, which means you'll need to handle all of the backend management yourself. It's not as intuitive as Shopify, but if you're comfortable with coding, WooCommerce offers a lot of flexibility in terms of customization.

Customization Options

One of the biggest advantages of WooCommerce is its customization options. Since it's open-source, you can modify any aspect of your store according to your preferences. You can add custom functionality, design your online store according to your brand, and customize your checkout process. With WooCommerce, the sky's the limit when it comes to customization.

Shopify, on the other hand, has stricter design limitations. It offers over 70 templates, which you can customize to a certain extent, but you'll be limited to the templates' layout and functionality. However, if you're not too picky about design, Shopify's templates are professional-looking and easy to use.

Payment Gateways

When it comes to payment gateways, both platforms offer a range of options, including major credit cards, PayPal, and more. Shopify has its payment gateway, Shopify Payments, which charges a transaction fee of 2.4% to 2.9%, depending on the plan. If you use a third-party payment gateway, Shopify will charge an additional transaction fee of 2%.

WooCommerce doesn't have its payment gateway, but it integrates with numerous payment providers, including PayPal, Stripe, and However, you'll need to pay transaction fees, which can vary depending on the payment provider you choose.


Lastly, let's talk about support. Shopify offers 24/7 support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat. It also has an extensive knowledge base and community forum. On the other hand, WooCommerce doesn't offer official support; instead, it relies on users to provide support through community forums or third-party support providers.


So, which e-commerce platform should you choose? That depends on your business needs. If you're looking for an easy-to-use platform with tons of design options and a range of integrated features, then Shopify might be your best bet. But, if you're comfortable with coding and want complete control over every aspect of your online store, then WooCommerce might be the way to go.

Ultimately, the choice between Shopify and WooCommerce depends on what's important to you and your business. Take some time to evaluate your needs, and make an informed decision that will benefit your business in the long run.


  1. Shopify Pricing:
  2. WooCommerce Requirements:
  3. Shopify Payments Pricing:
  4. WooCommerce Payment Gateways:

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